Milani Eyeshadows
Posted by Sherry
10:35 PM
beach sand,
black out,
coffee shop,
runway collection,
I recently discovered these eyesshadows by Milani - the Runway collection. Very shimmery and vibrant colors. I must say that I still like my MAC pigments and shadows better, but these are good for drugstore quality. They come in a very cute, clear, domed container and each has it's own brush (which if you're like me, and very anal about getting the colors mixed up with differen't brushes, you'll appreciate that.)

My Review: Coffee Shop is a good crease/lid color for me and Beach Sand is a great color for a highlight. Black Out is one that I'm not impressed with, and would return it if I could find the reciept. It's more of a charcoal grey than it is black. I kinda like how it looked in the packaging because, as with the other colors in this collection, it has a pretty shimmer to it. But nonetheless, it didn't work out and way to 'grey' looking. I also noticed that after using these colors for a week, they've lost their initial "shimmer". Apparently, its only on the top :( I'm a little disappointed about this, but it's okay. Here are few close-ups...
See how the first two photo are 'glittery'....yeah.. this one is not? That's because I've used it more than the other two.
And here is a swatch: (click for enlarged image)
Excuse the indentation on my arm from my camera strap..lol
Over all I like the colors and will definately use them and if you're looking for some less expensive colors to play with, I recommed these :) And it's a natural look for everyday.